Exhibition with photographes and embroidery on the former site of the Atlantic Wall in Norway // Opening: Friday, March 08, 2013 // Time: 20:00 // Additional opening hours: Saturday, March 09, and Sunday, March 10, 2013, 15:00-18:00 The exhibition project THE SAME PIECE OF LAND UNDER OUR FEET by Cécile Belmont combines in an specific manner different media and historical research on memory and landscape based on the former site of the Atlantic Wall in Norway. Interested in new definitions of the image and what an image can provide this project deals with new ways of artistic expression on borders and change of aspects (former function of the Atlantic Wall vs. current state). Cécile Belmont’s capacity of showing the presence of absence and her specific use of media leds to an unconventional approach. The former function of the Wall is absent now but still surrounding the bunker architecture in the landscape. Her embroidery is done with both, aggression and softness, attacking, caressing and transforming this architecture in its specific Norwegian landscape. A change and shifting of aspects – that’s what art can do and Cécile Belmont does it in a brilliant media mix with her new exhibition project. Curated by Cornelia and Holger Lund A cooperation between General Public and fluctuating images www.fluctuating-images.de
> March 08, 2013
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