The Spoils of Transparency: Mira O'Brien |
// Opening: August 22, 7-10pm // Visiting Hours: August 23 & 24, 3-6pm // Finnisage // BBQ: August 24, 6-9pm
You are invited to attend a new installation by Mira O’Brien, “The Spoils of Transparency.” On view for a limited time, this devolving installation will engage in a process of self-destruction as it collapses under its own weight. Every object in existence has begun its gradual process of fragmentation, perceptible or not. The objects around us are less solid than they seem. Glass is a material prized for its transparency, its capacity to yield to the view beyond: Window as placeholder, viewfinder, framed. But when this feature of passivity is lost, transparency spoiled, there is something decadent about this obsolete material. Like looted debris extracted from a Modernist gridded-window façade, it glitters and crackles.
> August 22, 2013
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